If you want to access your KRA iTax account but don’t want to go through a lengthy process, then this article is for you. In this article, we will discuss the KRAMAIL, also known as Kenya Revenue Authority. It has made it easy to pay taxes and access the KRA tax account of a taxpayer. There are various features of this platform that are offered to the users to enhance their experience by providing convenient service that makes an efficient process of paying tax.
Overview of KRAMAIL
The Kenya Revenue Authority(KRAMAIL) was established through an Act of Parliament, Chapter 469 of the laws of Kenya, which became effective on July 1st, 1995.
It is charged for collecting revenue on behalf of the government of Kenya.
To assess, collect, and account for revenues according to the written laws and the specified provisions.
To advise on matters related to the administration, and collecting of revenue under the written laws or the specified provisions.
Registration Process of KRAMAIL
Embarking on any financial venture with the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA), government bodies, or service providers requires a golden ticket: your Personal Identification Number (PIN). This unique identifier is your passport to hassle-free dealings. Let’s walk through the user-friendly process of obtaining and managing your PIN on the KRAMAIL platform.
1. PIN Registration:
Local Investor
- National ID
- If employed, provide the Employer’s PIN details.
- If Business, provide business registration certificate details.
Foreign Investor
For more about foreign investors please visit the official website.
2. Registration Steps
a. Setting Foot on KRAMAIL Digital Realm:
Start your journey by visiting the official KRA Mail website. Ensure you’re using a secure, updated browser for this pivotal task.
b. Charting Your Course to Registration:
Navigate to the ‘Individual’ section on the website. This is your gateway to the PIN registration adventure.
c. Crafting Your Digital Identity:
Pour in your details accurately – your full name, date of birth, gender, nationality, and the like.
d. Verifying You Are You:
Follow the intuitive prompts to verify your identity. This might involve uploading documents like your national ID or passport.
e. Locking Your Portal with a Secret Code:
Create a password that’s both strong and secure. It’s your digital fortress, so make it robust.
f. Launching Your Application:
Review your details carefully. Once satisfied, hit that submit button. Await the confirmation message, signaling your successful journey initiation.

a. Crossing the Threshold:
Return to the KRAMAIL website, this time seeking the login portal. This is where you’ll enter the keys to your digital kingdom.
b. Entering the Chamber:
Input your registered email or user ID and the password you crafted during registration. This is your moment to shine.
c. Navigating Security Measures:
KRA may throw in an extra layer of security. Answering security questions or overcoming a captcha might be on the cards.
d. Stepping into Your Digital Realm:
Once your credentials pass the verification dance, you’ll find yourself on your KRA Mail dashboard – the heart of your financial universe.
Pro Tips for a Glitch-Free Experience:
Sturdy Cyber Foundations: Ensure your internet connection is rock-solid before beginning your registration or login dance.
Guard Your Secrets: Keep your login details hush-hush. Sharing them is a no-go.
Fortify Your Digital Fortress: Sprinkle a touch of cybersecurity magic by updating your password regularly.
Seek Sanctuary in Support: If the digital terrain gets tricky, lean on the support services offered by KRA.
Embark on this journey armed with your newfound knowledge, and watch as the digital realm of KRAMAIL transforms your financial interactions into seamless experiences.
Filing & Paying
Income tax is the direct tax that is imposed on the income derived from Business, Rent, Employment, Interests, Dividends, and Pensions among others.
Methods of Collecting Includes:
- Pay As You Earn (PAYE)
- Withholding Tax
- Installment Tax
- Advance Tax
- Turnover Tax
- Capital Gains Tax
Every individual with a KRA PIN is required to file the return every year whether they earned any income or not.
You can file Individual Income Tax Returns for a particular year anytime between 1st January to 30th June of the following year.
Calculate Tax
On their official website, all the information on how to calculate the taxes is given. You can calculate your tax and pay as you earn.
Importing & Exporting
To import goods such as cars or any machinery requires a clearing agent. The clearing agent is then required to declare the goods that you are importing on the customs portal known as SIMBA.
Special Needs
The Persons with Disabilities Act (Income Tax Deductions and Exemptions) Order 2010 and The Persons with Disabilities Act 2003, forms the legal basis for giving Income Tax Exemption for persons with disability.
Alternative Dispute Resolution(ADR)
It is an alternative method of resolving and managing tax disputes outside the;
Quasi-Judicial Process or Tax Appeals Tribunal (TAT)
Judicial process (Courts of law). It is a tool that expedites the resolution of tax disputes.
Please visit the website to learn more about filing and paying taxes, incentives, and exemptions, importing and exporting, and import and export procedures.
Compliance & Penalties
Tax Compliance Certificates are valid for only twelve months.
Application for TCC is done through the iTax portal and the certificate is sent to applicants’ email addresses.
Income of NPOs is excluded from tax in Kenya, it is expended in Kenya for the benefit of residents of Kenya. However, profits or gains from businesses run by NPOs are not excluded from tax.
Authorised Economic Operators (AEO)
AEO is a customs clearing program that allows trusted customs for clients to enjoy:
- It reduced time and cost
- Customs certified secure and trustworthy trading partner when trading.
- There are two categories of AEO, in Kenya:
- National AEO – the benefits are limited to Kenya’s jurisdiction.
- East African Regional AEO – This a more comprehensive program as its members are recognized by the East African Community.
Incentives & Certification
Foreign investor – make an investment of at least 100,000 $ or the equivalent in another currency
Local investor – invest at least KSh.1,000,000 or the equivalent in another currency.
Incentives that Investors get:
- Capital allowances
- Investment deduction
- Industrial Building
- Deduction
- Public expenditures
- Telecommunication sector
- Computer software
- Farm Works Deductions
Investment Procedures
The Kenya Investment Authority (KenInvest) is assigned to promote investment in Kenya. It is responsible for the implementation of new investment projects. It also provides After-care services for new and existing investments, as well as for organizing investment promotion activities both internationally and locally.
Customs Agent
A customs agent is a company, licensed by the Commissioner of Customs and Border Control to carry out clearance procedures on behalf of a company or individual.
Tax Agents
Tax Agents are individuals or partnerships who prepare taxes on your behalf. They offer professional assistance to you or companies that can’t prepare taxes on their own
KRAMAILis a globally trusted revenue agency that facilitates Tax and Customs Compliance. Its mission is to enhance the collection of government revenue and to facilitate economic activity growth and trade by ensuring tax compliance and customs laws. It is Trustworthy, Competent, Helpful, Ethical, and Simple.
Faqs About KRA
Answer: The Kenya Revenue Authority was established through an Act of Parliament.
Answer : To assess, collect and account for revenues according to the written laws and the specified provisions.
Answer: To calculate the tax , please visit the website and calculate your tax according to your income.
Answer Yes npo’s are exempted from paying taxes, however gains or profit from npo’s are not exempted.
Answer: The Persons with Disabilities Act (Income Tax Deductions and Exemptions) Order 2010 and The Persons with Disabilities Act 2003, forms the legal basis for giving Income Tax Exemption for persons with disability.